Spring family sessions are my favourite for so many reasons…
The weather is beautiful! After the winter we have had we are all ready for some heat, but not too much! Thats why a spring session is great. We don’t have to worry about the soaring temperatures, shiny faces or melting make up! The cool but not too cool weather helps the kids feel relaxed and ready to play!
While I love a holiday card as much as the next person I know that for families (usually Mum) the pressure of the photoshoot is added to with the expectation of a perfect holiday card. In Spring, that pressure if off which allows the shoot to be more relaxed letting families play, move and have fun without the pressure. While we always have time to play during my sessions Spring ones are often more relaxing for everyone which allows us to capture the smiles and personalities of everyone!
The beautiful spring flowers should be on display and allow you to capture a different vibe from a fall session. If you are lucky we may find some bluebonnets to include in your photos! Which are a Texas favourite! Also, the light is glowing, dreamy and oh so perfect to capture your beautiful family.
Your favourite family photographer may have more availablity during Spring to accomodate your needs.
So those are my reasons for Spring Family Sessions being my favourite, if you are thinking about organising a family session I urge you to do it soon and take advantage of the lovely weather! You can also find some tips on what to wear in my other blog post here.
I would also love for you to follow me on facebook and Instagram