The past few months have been so scary. Something that I thought was going to last a week or two has stretched on for 6 weeks (and I’m not just taking about home schooling!). The global situation is dire, but I think it makes us appreciate each other and our families even more.I know that a lot of places are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. My family and I live in Katy, Texas and we were informed yesterday that some businesses can open on Friday at 25% capacity, these include restaurants, cinemas and shops. With the next stage of opening planned for three weeks time.These decisions are out with my hands, (which I am very grateful for!). And although I am nervous, like all of us just now, I would like to get back to shooting, and this got me thinking about how to go about this to make sure I am making my clients and me as safe as possible…
Ask your photographer to wear a mask. Seems like a simple enough ask, and I am sure that they haven’t already planned to they will be happy to oblige. I have even seen some cool ones that have photography patterns on them.
Maintain a safe distance, until recently I was quite a touchy photographer – your hair not sitting right – I would fix it, I need you at another angle, I would move you. Not anymore – I will be keeping a safe distance and asking my clients to sort their own hair, and move in a particular direction! Sorry guys – you will have to bear with me while I learn to explain myself. And I have a big lens that I love and I don’t use very often, so I cannot wait to crack that out to capture your lovely families.
Goes without saying, but wash your hands before and after the session, and use hand sanitiser whenever you feel necessary. I know that your photographer won’t mind any breaks to make you feel comfortable.
When possible schedule your session outdoors, this seems to be the safest place to be, and also it can be the most beautiful!
Ask your photographer if they (or anyone in their household) have had any symptoms before meeting them and if you have had any COVID-19 symptoms reschedule!
Bonus – have fun! Enjoy your session and being with your family! And know that you will have beautiful photographs to cherish.Anything else you can think of? Would love for you to share in the comments below. Love and Laughter Claire x